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About the project

PagePlus is a cryptocurrency trading platform with a distributed wallet management feature. Our work has been from branding and creating the company’s identity to characterizing user needs in a trading platform situation.

Our contribution


Web & Mobile


UI, UX, Branding, Strategy

About the project

PagePlus is a cryptocurrency trading platform with a distributed wallet management feature. Our work has been from branding and creating the company’s identity to characterizing user needs in a trading platform situation.

Our contribution


Web & Mobile


UI, UX, Branding, Strategy


UI, UX, Branding, Strategy



The solution

In the crypto hit popular in today’s times one of the most important things for users in this area is actually providing a sense of security, At the end of the day, it is a trading platform that needs to convince the user that their money is secure at the highest levels and in the same breath to give the user the feeling that the system is the most friendly and easy for him.

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